


[ERG] Lemon Meringue Tie Expert Drums 100% Overhit


Countless 100% runs.. I guess my drums are at the point where I can't play through a full song without an overhit. I may as well just wait a month for a new set rather than frustrate myself trying to grind for easy shit when I'm really just hoping it doesn't overhit on me. But thanks for suggesting this song Eric. It was fun the first few times when I was playing it to see the chart. I turned down the brightness of my TV also. I have points, do you guys want TTFAF and OGAP chart runs on Tuesday? Probably the last videos I'll do in a while if I send my drums in. Let me know. And I know I've probably said I would do something about my drums plenty of times before.. Uh yeah. Thanks 😀


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