


Overwatch Is Competitively Dead - And Here's Why...


These Patch Notes have some damning implications...

00:00 Intro
00:11 New Patch Notes
01:13 HANZO BUG?!
01:50 Why Leave Overwatch 1?
03:12 Reading Out Overwatch Tweets
04:24 Meta Predictions
05:58 Implications of These Patch Notes

Credit to these Sources (Present In What I'm most known for - My Guide Series!)

1) Jayne (Former Assistant Coach for Dallas Fuel)
2) Spilo/StormCrowProductions (Former NA Contenders Uprising Coach)
3) SVB (Educative YouTuber)
4) MineralOW (Former OW YouTuber, Current Uprising Coach)
5) Your Overwatch (Educative YouTuber, Freedo)
6) Niandra (GM Mercy YouTuber)
7) katteow (Mercy Main YouTuber)
8) Fitzyhere
9) KarQ
10) Temporal
11) NatterOW
12) ioStux

#UNDERRATED #OverwatchGuide #Overwatch


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