


Overwatch 2: EVERYTHING NEW - Heroes, Reworks, Maps & More!


Overwatch 2: EVERYTHING NEW - Heroes, Reworks, Maps & More! With the OW2 beta around the corner we got you covered with all the info you need to know. Today we breakdown all the changes from Overwatch 1. Huge thank you to Blizzard for inviting us to playtest the Overwatch 2 Alpha.

In this video we talk about:
Overwatch 2 Alpha
Overwatch 2 News
Overwatch 2 New Heroes
Overwatch 2 Beta

00:00 - Intro
00:21 - New Heroes & Reworks
00:35 - Sojourn
01:49 - Orisa
03:25 - Doomfist
04:59 - Bastion
06:15 - Sombra
07:05 - Minor Changes
07:12 - Cassidy
07:30 - Zarya
07:53 - Reinhardt
08:12 - Winston
08:26 - Junkrat
08:53 - Mei
09:15 - Brigitte
09:31 - New Maps
10:52 - New Gamemodes
11:38 - Ping System
12:04 - 5v5
13:20 - Outro

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Overwatch (The Game)


That just about does it for this video guys, if you liked Overwatch 2: EVERYTHING NEW - Heroes, Reworks, Maps & More! , hit that like button, if you want to see more videos like this as they are made public, subscribe. If you want to enter in some sick giveaways, you can follow us on twitter @UltraGuides. If you wanna hang with me and the other UG members, you can join our Discord server. Thank you so much for staying till the end of the video. Stay amazing, and we will see you, in the next one.


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