


PSO2: Some Shiva Tips - Feat. Atomizer Fanatic [Info+GMV/Meme?]


I've always wanted to make music videos, and meme videos, but also incorporate some info into them too. So, I ended up making this video for 3 reasons. The first is to "somewhat" give you an idea of what to avoid from Shiva. The 2nd is to show you how useful an atomizer fanatic ring is, and why I use it on every class. And the last, is due to me just wanting to make a Matrix meme/thing. And as simple as it is, I still had more fun making this than most other videos I've done in a long time.

If you or anyone you know was harmed by Shiva in the making of this video, you have my condolences. If it makes you feel any better, I still die a lot to some of her attacks too! There's sometimes just so many effects on screen that its hard to keep track!

Twitch: http://www.Twitch.tv/blactobasics​

PSO2 NA Skill Build Compilation: https://arks-layer.com/naclassbuilds​
SynthSy's PSO2 Global/JP Dictionary: https://github.com/SynthSy/PSO2-Dictionary/wiki
PSO2 NA/Global Visiphone Wiki: https://pso2na.arks-visiphone.com/wiki/​
PSO2 JP Visiphone Wiki: https://pso2.arks-visiphone.com​
PSO2 SWiki: https://pso2.swiki.jp/​
Join my discord community: https://discord.gg/d7CHswk​

PSO2 North America:
"PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2" official website: http://pso2.com/​
PSO2 Japan:
『PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2』 公式サイト : http://pso2.jp/​
Music: YT Music


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