


Pso2-NGS 1st. Anniversary Mischief Symbols All locations Part 2 Retem


Welcome to Part 2 of Pso2-NGS 1st. Anniversary Mischief Symbol Search.
wooo...them words. Anyhow, Let's enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Retem Region as we trek across Halpha in search of our favorite holographic symbols. In this video we find the final 16 symbols to complete all 32.

Remember Arks you only need 16 symbols for the Mischief Symbol Title: First Year.

"Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis" Official Website

Musical pieces
Both songs belong to SEGA and are from the Phantasy Star Franchise
1st. Song
Title: World With Me (Remix)
Artist S.S.T Band
Album: Phantasy Star Online Songs of Ragol Odyssey- Soundtrack Episode 1 and 2. Ending Theme.

2nd. Musical Piece
Title: Dagora City - Moatoob
Album: Phantasy Star Universe Original Soundtrack
For A Brighter Day
Composers : Hideaki Kobayashi
Fumie Kumatani
Kenichi Tokoi
Seirou Okamoto
Taihei Sato


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