


PSO2 NA - The Face of the Abyss Duo (Et & Lu, 30:51 clear, me half-casual)


Just wanted to share a TPD Duo featuring the awesome Executed Luster, while me on main Etoile using only Soaring Blades.

Me half-casual means that while I did used a Stirfry and some Meat Rations, I didn't take Alliance Tree Attack Up buff, which I should have in hindsight (sorry Exe xd)...

This was fun; I'm pretty sure we can clear this a lot faster if I got my Alliance Tree Attack Up, hopefully below 29 or 28 minutes clear with it. Exe had aggro the entire time, suffice to say that they did a lot more damage than me xD. Also the funny thing is, neither of us broke any eyes during the 2-Eyes Phase so our DPS are really sus during Gomorus.

Anyway, we'll see if there are any time in the future that we gonna clear this again as serious as we can, and by that means another Duo TPD and not Duo HTPD; I'm absolutely sure that I do not have the damage needed to Duo Hatred, I didn't even had any sub-10 Depth 100 for God sake!

Thank you for watching and/or reading this description, wish you all a great day, and as usual, maybe see you again next time!

Ship 4

Kr1ze's PSO2 Videos Playlist:


0:00 Gomorus
14:17 Interval
14:51 Sodam
23:49 Final Phase
31:01 Quest clear!
31:34 Scoreboard


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