


[PSO2:NGS] Coping Over Arks Record with Hybrid Braver ft. Max Challenges Engouku and Dark Remnus


These two mofos have already left me broken as much as the amount of time spent waiting for June Patch. It do be like that sometimes.

Hey, hey ARKS. Right now, there are some on-going ARKS records for 3 Trainia scattered across Stia region: Quarterstaff for Engouku, Face the Darkness for Dark Remnus, and Broken World for Dark Marius & the worst that Stia can throw at you. Quite an opportunity to put some awkward clear attempts on my channel, alongside background music that doesn't match the combat at all. Fuck Broken Tower, trust me-

Oh wait, did I just post the clear vid using Food recipe with 3% Weak Point Damage? It's almost midnight when I did this so AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH---

Anyway, fuck it. I tried pure bow run with both Engouku and D. Remnus. It takes too long, ending up becoming extremely boring to do and watch eventually. Besides, we all know that Slayer and low-level tactics enjoyer will surely obliterate the competition, so we opt for the swaging route instead. Some misses here and there, but the journey to them clears do open up some cool strategy with the combined arsenals of Braver. You don't really have to watch it at all, but thanks in advance if you do. Adios~

0:00 Hardcore Monke in 7m-20s
7:30 Hardcore Lean Doge 5m-26s

The Gears & Stuff.
Grind 60, Pot 6, Tenebrous (Seiga-in) Bow/Katana w/ Fatale 5 : Doldor Soul IV - Ice Exploit II - Addi Spimelra - Spi Triplble - Precision IV VS Monke
Grind 60, Pot 6, Neos Justitean Bow/Katana w/ Fatale 3 : Doldor Soul IV - Alz Screte IV - Addi Spimelra - Spi Triplble - Precision IV VS Doge
2x Grind 60, Ajax Armors : Doldos Soul IV - Gigas Maeste - Addi Spimelra - Spi Triplble - Halphinale
1x Grind 60, Eclaireur Armor w/ Enthugia 2: Doldos Soul IV - Gigas Shoot IV - Addi Spimelra - Spi Triplble - Halphinale

Music Used:
NIKKE:Goddess of Victory - Alteisen MK.VI OST Extended
Fractal Dreamers - Fortuna Redux Self-extended


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