


PSO2 NA - Hatred Trio (18:37, BrLu x FiLu x RaEt)


Trash Bow Braver subs-Luster and ate 13K damage feat. Executed Fighter and Eva Ranger (also Techter buffer).

Made so many mistakes this run that it seems like I'm trying to test if any of the boss' attack(s) would one-shot me as a sub-Lu but Techter buffed;
1. 1841 damage received from Arena Slam during Wind/Thunder Phase (~11:50, jumped into the Tornado too early after using a Chase Arrow PA)
2. 1555 from Light Pillars during Thousand Eyes (~12:32, "mis-timed" my BPA somehow and I still don't know the correct timing to "guard")
3. 1539 from Arena Slam during Elementless Phase (~13:11, again "mis-timed" my BPA but this time I knew that I used the BPA top early)
4. 1305 from a Lesser Ground Light Pillar after a Normal 2-Handed Slam during Elementless Phase (~14:37, didn't expect this to hit after "dodging" the "initial hit" but I never see it coming).

All the above contributed 6240 damage received out of the 13498 total, of which I didn't get during my previous HTPD clears playing as a sub-Et (e.g. "guarded" most of the Light Pillars and Arena Slams during Elementless Phase in my previous BrEt HTPDs)... I just played better as a sub-Et somehow whilst gotten hit a lot more during this run and stayed so true to my Trash Bow Braver title... *shrug*

Anyway, I need more Deimos stones for some Lightweave weapons for my other classes so I might grind some D100s and TPDs sometime soon, fingers crossed that I will improve my Bow Braver and Luster gameplays in the near future xd.

P.S. this HTPD appeard on 6pm 24 May 2024 KL time.

0:00 Gomorus
5:28 Interval
6:04 Sodam
9:15 Dual-Elements Sodam
12:11 Elementless Sodam
15:23 Final Phase
18:47 Urgent Quest clear!
19:21 Scoreboard, some stats and equipment check

Ship 4

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