


Rush GamePlay With Velocity X | 2 Finger Day| OnePlus | PUBG MOBILE


Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/gamerforlifeman #OnePlus #NeverSettle #PubgMobile

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★★ Rules of chat ★★

📌 Do not spam, self-promote or promote others, there are other ways to do that!
📌 No racism or discrimination in the chat, its the 21st century m8!
📌 Treat others how you'd have them treat you, with respect and humility!
📌 No Religious or political debates, lets leave politics to the politicians!
📌 The moderators have their roles and they will follow it to the letter, if you get timed out, chances are you probably deserved it!
📌 If the moderators do miss out on spam/profanity in the chat, play your part and report them to the mods, KEEP THE CHAT FLOWING!


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