

The Forestの攻略動画

Sleeping overnight ALONE in Aokigahara forest!


Having found lots of YouTube comments challenging others to do so, but no other videos or blog posts in English or Japanese of anyone so far having actually done it and documented the experience...I decided to carry on the fine Marine Corps tradition of going where others fear to tread, by camping overnight completely ALONE(!!) in Aokigahara, AKA the "suicide forest", and I bust some myths along the way! (^_^)

I recorded this video on Nov. 25-26, 2017, but wasn't really 100% happy with the footage I took. Then the Logan Paul thing happened, so I decided to upload the video I had (despite feeling that there was a lot of room for improvement, i.e. more forest, less me), in the hope of providing a factual, non-hype based look at Aokigahara.


Headphone/earbud users should lower the volume at around the 18:23 mark to avoid possibly going to pee-pee pants city..!


FAQ answers/Misc Notes:

- My sexy neck scar is from a life-saving tracheotomy performed at the scene of a head-on collision back in 1993. Chicks dig it!

- The alleged "face" at 26:55...isn't. This alleged face is merely a random pattern of light and shadow caused by the camouflage pattern of the military issue poncho that I draped over my tent, that some are perceiving to be a face, nothing else.

- If you propose the existence of something, you must follow the scientific method in your defense of its existence. Otherwise, I have no reason to listen to you. #Logic #Reality


Please smash those Like and Subscribe buttons with the fist of an angry god! Go to http://thebushidodevildog.blogspot.jp/ for more details about the trip and photos that don't make it into my videos!!

Outro tune by Tyler Nakamura https://soundcloud.com/tyler-nakamura-1/my-cat-plays-music
Portion of The Derp Song by The Derp Brothers used under Fair Use
Brief snippet of "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker, Jr. used under Fair Use
Logo artwork by Shivers: https://shiverz.deviantart.com


A special note to any self-appointed protectors of Aokigahara that just love to pointlessly virtue-signal in the comments of every Aokigahara Youtube video...Just. Don't.

If you just can't restrain yourself from showing the Interwebs how morally superior you are by ranting "Dat's diswespectful!" in every video of a non-Japanese entering the forest, please feel free to go Full-Retard in either of the following Aokigahara videos:

J-dudes playing Pokemon Go in Aokigahara

J-dude pretending to hang himself there:

...and be sure tell those Japanese gents how "disrespectful" they are to the forest you have designated yourself to to be online guardian of. (Spoiler Alert! Your protests will likely fall on deaf ears because it is just a forest, not a funeral home, so your virtue signalling is stupid and pointless.)

#Aokigahara #AloneinAokigahara #AokigaharaFacts #SeaofTrees

-The Forestの攻略動画

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