


Prinz Heinrich: Secret Boss o' the Underworld? - CV Update - Azur Lane Quotes


What do you think of Heinrich as boss of the school?


Thanks For Your Support !
Fleet Admiral : Corbin - Kadeji - Kai Stasch - Kian Huynh - Laken Bacon - Raisen Sun - Benjamin Steber - Chuco32.

Admiral : Darknal367 - First legion - Chuco32 - Nathan Shepard - KoP152 - Lost_SkyZ - Saber Six - Zenith - Notte - David wr1t0r - Hetierremustdedu - Warmonger1941 - Raeder2236.

Commander : Angeldeirun - Azreal - CrossFire770 - Vi Nguyen - Job Pedro - KoolKat - Slietch - Shubu - Obsessant - Upside - GrAdm Henri G.

Lieutenant : The German Memeperor - The Storyteller - Zach Bass - Bryce Ostrem - DragoneyeTM - Fed18 - jerome292 - Kroissant_King - Kuuhaku - Slamovnik989.


KMS Prinz Heinrich (プリンツ・ハインリヒ)
Secret Boss o' the Underworld? (裏の裏番長?)
Seiyū : Hiyori Nitta (新田 ひより) | Art : Dishwasher1910 (Bach Do)

00:00 Prinz Heinrich: Secret Boss o' the Underworld?
05:10 Dorm SD-Chibi

Music : BGM / OST
Bloody Nightmare (Million KNights Vermilion)


#AzurLane #アズールレーン #PrinzHeinrich #Anime


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