


KoB Ifrit run FF XIV


Found this in my archives when I was testing recording a bit, back when I was still trying to learn the ropes (still trying to now to an extent) so we grabbed a few people from the good Ole' FC "Knights of Blood", and blew threw Story mode Ifrit for Rii, figured I'd throw it up in this dump of videos for the sake of looking back. This one was with Rii, Asbel, Krevan, and myself. hope you enjoy :p

Knights of Blood web page: http://knights0fblood.wix.com/knightsofblood
If you're on Siren feel free to ask for information about us or feel like you might want to join, feel free to send a /tell to myself (T'rhika Tai), the leader Heathcliff Lightsong, or one of the other members if you run across them 😀
(There are 2 KoB FCs on the server by some means, so it's probably safer to ask one of us xD)


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