


The Most BOSS Hero Walhart & Ylissean Travelers Datamined Hero Art! | FEH News 【Fire Emblem Heroes】


Fire Emblem Heroes always gets the Hero Art right so with the newest Awakening Banner, Ylissean Travelers we got a bunch of cool heroes!

But there's more, the Grand Hero Battle Hero Walhart looks like a complete boss and easily takes the spot light away from Sumia, Olivia, Libra and Maribelle.

This guy's poses, attack art and hurt art are just something else entirely.

I can't wait to use him!

Anyways, this is just a video of us gushing at the new heroes. 🙂

★Fire Emblem Heroes★ I make lots of Fire Emblem Heroes videos and have been for a long time now. They're on a huge variety of things from standard things to Summons and Arena to FEH news, Hero Reviews and more! Check them out below! 😀

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NNID: Nimious
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