


Hardest Overwatch Hero EVER! - Hero 31 Sigma Review


The newest Hero addition to Overwatch is remarkably the most difficult in the cast. Tanks are typically hard enough to manage as is, but now with Sigma that same difficult role remains but turned up a notch in difficulty thanks to his whole hit being entirely skill shots. Sigma will be a massive undertaking for the average player to jump into, even the basics of tank play are complicated until you master managing and aiming his shield and oh-yeah he does like half a dozen other things that are all skillshots too. In this video we review Hero 31 Sigma and begin to explain the complexities he brings to the game. Although unlikely in the current state to dominate the meta overall, he certainly brings a potential circle of counter play in the tank department, as his kit and best pairings (Zarya , maybe Dva) work well to beat the current king duo Bunker, Orisa Hog. If you enjoyed the video please be sure to leave it a like and don't forget to subscribe!

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